To get started, click on a lesson below
This course is ideal for people that need to generate new improvement ideas, want to manage their queue of ideas and find time to actually deliver change!
1. Taking responsibility
See your organisation’s problems, and your involvement with them, differently.
2. End of a process
This is a fast method to identify key improvement projects for your business.
3. Personal losses
Find how to get more from your working day
4. Measuring productivity
Define a measure that helps you track your improvement results
5. Process driven meetings
Structure your team’s focus to get the best results from your processes
6. Rolling planning horizons
This strategy is all about pacing yourself and achieving more in the longer term (think hare and tortoise!)
7. The project cupboard
Use this approach to avoid having lots of loose ends
8. Tying up loose ends
If you start more improvement projects than you finish… this is for you!
9. Hour of pain
Share your day’s interruptions with your colleagues and get more done as a team
How to put this course into action
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